Halloween is just around the corner, and if you’re like me, then you’re already thinking about which spooky decorations will transform your home into an eerie haunted house. These Amazon Halloween doormats are great inspiration to add to your list of Halloween porch ideas this fall!

Amazon has always been one of my go-to’s for holiday decorations because they have a wide variety of decor. Plus, I can read reviews to ensure the item is exactly what I want. Not to mention free shipping, usually within a couple of days!
Here are my top outdoor Halloween doormats from Amazon, each with outstanding reviews!
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1. Stay Spooky Front Doormat
This Halloween doormat is minimalist and chic, with a fun vibe!
2. Skeleton Welcome Mat
Love the black background and quirky skeleton throwing up a peace sign.
3. I Smell Children Mat
Hocus Pocus will forever be a favorite! Everyone who walks up to your porch and reads the iconic phrase on this mat is sure to smile.
4. Welcome, Witches Mat
The purple and yellow colors make this mat pop, and it could be a great focal point for any front porch.
5. Boo! Doormat
Simple but fun, with just enough color.
6. Black Cat Welcome Mat
Black cats are the ultimate symbol of Halloween!
7. Go Away Doormat
For all of you with a sense of humor (or maybe you’re serious!), go for the grumpy welcome mat!
8. Ghost “Boo” Mat
This Halloween doormat is minimalist but fun and would add a little fun to traditional fall decor.
9. Trick-or-Treat Doormat
My son’s favorite phrase this time of year! Again, this Halloween doormat has a pop of orange that would coordinate well with some bright pumpkins.
10. Harry Potter Wizards Welcome Mat
Harry Potter becomes a bit more popular around Halloween, so here’s an option to make your front porch “magical.”
11. Harry Potter Alohomora Mat
One more for the Potter Heads. You’re welcome.
12. Happy Halloween Pumpkin Truck Mat
A little farmhouse style with the pumpkin truck, but still with spooky vibes.
That’s a wrap! Hope you found some inspiration for your front door this Halloween!
For more Halloween decorating ideas, see how I created a Gothic Apothecary Fireplace Mantle and Spooky Halloween Entryway.